When you trust your loved ones to a nursing home or extended care facility, you have a right to expect that they will be treated with respect and dignity. You have a right to expect that they will be treated with the care and concern that meets or exceeds the required standard of care. After all, that is why that facility was selected and why you are paying those exorbitant fees.
Sometimes nursing homes or health care facilities do not live up to our expectations. When they breach the required standard of care and injury results they are liable to answer under the law. The nursing home has been hired to alleviate suffering. If they, through the negligence of the facility or its employees, cause suffering then there are remedies available.
If you or a loved one sustained injuries caused by a nursing home, we are happy to help. At our firm, the first consultation for a personal injury case is free. For more information call 1 (800) 201-9987 or (434) 332-5155 or fill out a consultation form here.